Churn Dash Blocks

I belong to a small group of ladies that Swap Churn Dash blocks every month. Depending on how many are in the group at a time, tells us how often we mail. For example, if there are 3 people in the group, then I make three different blocks for three people, one each for the other two member and one for myself. This woul be 3 months worth of blocks. i was going to try and explain the process ( it’s really quite simple) but it would be lengthy. I’ll try and do that later, I’m a little foggy headed this morning, (and usually am, but that sounded good. Lol) Anyway, I received three blocks from each lady this month, and next month I send three blocks to the next person. This covers a three month period for each person, so we mail to one person monthly, rather than to each individual every month. That name changes every 4 the month. Ie: I receive Jan, May and Sept.

The point of all this is I’m finally able to sit at the mochine and sew. Yaaaaay!! I’ve had a lot of physical problems the last few years, so I’ve been away from my machine for quite a while. Anyway, I got my Churn Dash blocks sewn for next month and ready to go. I’m trying to post a Pic of them, but not having much luck. I guess I can do that later, when I figure out what I’m doing wrong. Lol



My Pink Quilt

All these years
I’ve been quilting and I have two quilts. No, make that three.  One is a Christmas Quilt, the other is a Halloween Quilt and the third is one made of primary color blocks when my 18 year old grandson was born.   I haven’t kept any for myself.  Well, I LOVE pink and I started out making this pink quilt for myself as a comfort quilt, but it kind of kept growing and growing and growing.  Now it needs to grow two more borders,  A two inch and a three inch. lol  So I pulled some pink out of my stash and I’ll try and get those on this week.  THEN  I will put it in line to quilt it.  I’m quilting a “HUGS” quilt, and then I have some children’s quilts to do first, then I can do this one for my bedroom.   So we’ll start the spring off with a pretty pink quilt on our bed.  Thank goodness I have an easy going sweetheart of a husband.  Have a great week everyone.

Fall Quilt Went To The Church Auction

I was making a Falll Quilt and then I was asked to make one for the Silent Auction at church tonight.  Well, that was only about two or so weeks ago and I had no idea it was that soon.   So in order to get it done I had to  finish up one that I had started.  I hove a beautiful antiquey reds Disappearing 9 Patch that I wanted to use but do you think I could find where I put it?  NOT  So in order to keep the deadline I used the quilt I was making for myself.  My fall quilt.  It came out real pretty, in the picture the stripping in between the blocks looks black but it’s actually a dark brown.

we took the pictures in a terrible hurry because my husband was going to take it over to the church for me.  So it’s not a real good picture.

UFO Group

I belong to a UFO group and once a month we take one full day to sew.  It’s a Friday one month and Saturday the next.  We start sewing at 9 (or is it 10) in the morning and sew till 6pm.  We take a picture of what we’re working on and post it.  We check in periodically ro show where we are at.  Friday I worked on a fall quilt attempting to get all the blocks done.  I got them 2/3’s of the way done so will try to work on them a little more today. 

This is one of the blocks of the quilt I’m working on.  It’s not flowers in there, it’s actually turkey’s:) lol  The colors were so perfect for what I wanted that’s what I went with.   Hope to get some more done on it today.  I seem to get distracted very easily these days.  Have a great day!

UFO Saturday

Well, we had our online UFO group Saturday and I was able to get enough blocks sewn together for two and a half quilts. One and a half red & White and one Blue & White. All are AmHero quilts and the center block is white P&B fabric to have people sign them. They’re (obviously) signature quilts:) I’d hoped to get more done, but I goofed up on the first one I was working on and had some frogging to do. I only posted one picture ’cause Blogger won’t let me post the second:) Hope everyone is getting ready for fall. It’s about 85 here in CA today down from 100 yesterday! and the days before that. This week is going to be cool and then it’s supposed to stay in the mid to low 80’s. I sure hope so. We’ve got a good chance of another triple digit day or two before fall actually really hits us:)

Finished Quilts

I finally got my machine working again and I’m elated! The first two quilts are for AmHero’s and the third one is my neighbor Sonja Muenger with her Christmas Present in July! lol My machine went bonkers the first of Dec. so I never got it quilted, so finally getting the machine back in working condition after all this time I was able to finish it. She knew she had something coming, just didn’t know what it was:) So we took it over to her the other day and she was very happy with it. I was very happy to have it done and able to give it to her! lol