UFO Group

I belong to a UFO group and once a month we take one full day to sew.  It’s a Friday one month and Saturday the next.  We start sewing at 9 (or is it 10) in the morning and sew till 6pm.  We take a picture of what we’re working on and post it.  We check in periodically ro show where we are at.  Friday I worked on a fall quilt attempting to get all the blocks done.  I got them 2/3’s of the way done so will try to work on them a little more today. 

This is one of the blocks of the quilt I’m working on.  It’s not flowers in there, it’s actually turkey’s:) lol  The colors were so perfect for what I wanted that’s what I went with.   Hope to get some more done on it today.  I seem to get distracted very easily these days.  Have a great day!

UFO Saturday

Well, we had our online UFO group Saturday and I was able to get enough blocks sewn together for two and a half quilts. One and a half red & White and one Blue & White. All are AmHero quilts and the center block is white P&B fabric to have people sign them. They’re (obviously) signature quilts:) I’d hoped to get more done, but I goofed up on the first one I was working on and had some frogging to do. I only posted one picture ’cause Blogger won’t let me post the second:) Hope everyone is getting ready for fall. It’s about 85 here in CA today down from 100 yesterday! and the days before that. This week is going to be cool and then it’s supposed to stay in the mid to low 80’s. I sure hope so. We’ve got a good chance of another triple digit day or two before fall actually really hits us:)

Am Hero quilt almost done

I almost completed this AmHero quilt I was working on. I did it during a sew a thon with my UFO group. We sew once a month (and holiday’s for those that can). We start at ten in the morning, check in every two hours and finish sewing at six in the evening. So far I’ve gotten a lot accomplished and I love it! Thanks Susan!

Finished Up This UFO AmHero top

Believe it or not I started this top about a year ago. During one of my “let’s get organized” days, I put it in a plastic container to keep it together. Yup, it took me this long to find it again. Mainly because it was right in front of my nose! I must have moved that plastic container at least two dozen times not realizing that’s what was in it! lol duuuh a Sr. Moment. lol Now the top is done and I just need to get some backing fabric and get it quilted. With any luck I’ll have my own machine/frame up in the next two weeks or so and be able to do it myself.:) Have a grat day all!

UFO Group

I belong to a UFO Group and we usually sew together one day a month and then on special days. Like today being Presidents Day it was an extra day to work on UFO’s. I worked on this yellow quilt top for a friend that’s going to be a grandmother for the first time in July. This is one I wasn’t real sure of, but so far it’s coming along good. I need to get the binding and backing for it to finish it, so hope to do that by the time we have our next sewing day. I love yellow though, it’s so clean and fresh looking:) BTW it’s going to be a girl:)