Keep Plugging Away

I’m not going to say, hey I’m back, because that seems to mean I’ll be here every week. I am going to post more, but can’t say how frequently because my neighbor, who after 19 years became a part of our family is quite ill. For the last few months we’ve been helping her. She was finally ( after 6 trips to the ER) was diagnosed with cancer that had metastasized and is an extremely fast growing cancer. In a short time she’s gone from walking to bedridden and on care and comfort. We all know how painful and difficult it is to stand by helplessly while we are losing someone. Anyway, I’ll be back and forth trying to deal with that and trying to busy my free time with things that keep my mind occupied. I have my quilting that I’ve been away from for such a long time, that I am pulling out and diving into. I also have my Succulants that never cease to amaze me with their beauty and individuality. They’re all so beautiful 😊

My dear friend Susan helped me get back on my blog, it had turned into a challenge. Lol. I thought I would try and brighten up my face page and managed to botch it up and had a terrible time getting things back to normal. Actually I didn’t get it back to normal, Susan did. 🤪. Thank you so much Susan.
I’m going to get off here for tonight and try to be back soon with some brighter news. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, be safe and God Bless.

Samanthas Quilt Is Coming Along

Samantha’s quilt is coming along.  She’s had to come over after school or after La Crosse so that hasn’t given her a lot of time to work on it.  She’s only got about 45 minutes worth of work left to do on it, then it’ll be time to make the binding and finish it up.  yaaaay  I can’t post a picture because blogger isn’t cooperating with me. bummers   I’ll try again later.

My Granddaughter Samantha Learning To Quilt

Samantha came over yesterday to work on the quilting part of her quilt.  She took to the machine and the job of quilting with ease.  She’s a natural.  Of course being young and more open to new things helps a lot too.
Here’s a couple of pictures of her and the stars she made on her quilt.
Well, blogger won’t let me put a picture in so I”ll do that later.  Have a great  Pink Saturday all.  Be sure to go by Beverlys How Sweet The Sound (won’t let me do links either. I’m going to close out and come back maybe that will help.)

Lots To Do

This is the pillowcase I’m making to match the quilt for what we now are about 99.9% sure is a girl.  She’s due any time now, so now I get to go crazy with pinks. lol

Here’s the quilt I have on the frame to start tomorrow morning.   It’s pretty warm back there all ready, so won’t work on it tonight.  This is for a 12 year old little girl who is the new granddaughter of a dear friend od mine.