Keep Plugging Away

I’m not going to say, hey I’m back, because that seems to mean I’ll be here every week. I am going to post more, but can’t say how frequently because my neighbor, who after 19 years became a part of our family is quite ill. For the last few months we’ve been helping her. She was finally ( after 6 trips to the ER) was diagnosed with cancer that had metastasized and is an extremely fast growing cancer. In a short time she’s gone from walking to bedridden and on care and comfort. We all know how painful and difficult it is to stand by helplessly while we are losing someone. Anyway, I’ll be back and forth trying to deal with that and trying to busy my free time with things that keep my mind occupied. I have my quilting that I’ve been away from for such a long time, that I am pulling out and diving into. I also have my Succulants that never cease to amaze me with their beauty and individuality. They’re all so beautiful 😊

My dear friend Susan helped me get back on my blog, it had turned into a challenge. Lol. I thought I would try and brighten up my face page and managed to botch it up and had a terrible time getting things back to normal. Actually I didn’t get it back to normal, Susan did. 🤪. Thank you so much Susan.
I’m going to get off here for tonight and try to be back soon with some brighter news. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, be safe and God Bless.

Fall’s Almost Here

Here I am again with the weather forecast, lol. We’re headed into Autumn, but I believe Yesterday was the official last day of summer.  We’re still in the 90’s, but it won’t be long before we’re complaining  about the cold weather. Lol That’s ok tho, now starts the baking, sewing, painting, all the indoor things you can think of time.  Right down to a fire roaring in the fireplace, a good movie on TV, and curled up under a toasty lap quilt.

Well, my plants seem to be surviving me so far.  I moved the majority of them out to the patio and even tho I worried about the drastic heat change, they’re just fine.   We’ll be moving the shelving unit further under the patio so there will be a little more protection from the cold.  Any really low temperatures and I will bring them indoors.

Sharks Tooth  

That’s name of this one, it’s not like a prickly cactus, though it can poke you. Lol

Baby’s Fingers is the name of this one, I like the unusual looks of many of the plants.

String of Buttons

Here’s another one  I find fun and interesting.  “String of Buttons”.

( any name corrections I welcome)

Have a good week guys.

Summer is Finally Here

We had rain for sooooo long here in N.CA, we kept waiting for spring, but it just went right on by us and we went straight to summer.  I’m trying to acclimate my plants to the heat and haven’t even acclimated myself.  I sure miss Spring, but I’ll take what we can get. lol

My succulents are multiplying faster than I can plant them. lol  No, I’ve done a lot of propagating and have had fun doing it.  I’ve discovered that the 2 in pots are great for tiny plants, as they grow, (which seems to be quickly) they need one much bigger.   I know you’re supposed to allow them X amount of room and too much room is not good for them.   With the change in the weather tho and getting them under lights indoors so late, I have a lot of potting to get done.  Not complaining, I still love it. lol

These are much larger than they were, but definitely need to be repotted.   Succuclents need a well draining soil, so I researched a lot and got several different recipes.    I tried a couple and I think I’ve finally hit on the right mix, at least I hope so, if not I’ll try again. lol

New carpeting will be put in on Thursday.  They came last Friday and it turned out the carpet was not useable so it had to be reordered.  In the meantime, we took everything out of the living room, dinning room and hallway, then moved it all to the patio.  The patio is all out in the yard and yikes!  It’s 100 degrees out there so everything is covered  with sheets so they have a little protection.    we’ll get thru this by the week end, provided there will be no more issues with the carpet. lol

Have a great week everyone.

Sooooo Addictive!!

I had no idea succulents could be so addictive, lol. They are tho.  Once you start collecting them , it’s so hard to choose.  I did find one trick to make them less expensive, planted arrangements at Walmart. Lol. I decided 7 plants for $20 was pretty good-vs- 7 plants at $3.95 each.  So I bought a bowl arrangement thinking there was 7-8 plants in it. What a surprise when I ended up with anywhere from 20-25 plants. ( or more) each plant I thought was one plant had at least 2 or more plants to be separated because it had grown into several.  ( or were planted that way to make a lush bowl) So what I did was take a picture of the bowl with my iPhone so I could pull it up to be sure I don’t buy the same arrangement a second time. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here, and write more later.  I’ll tell you where I found some great buys and good blogs to check out.

Oh yeah, I live in CA and as you probably know, we’ve had tons of rain, BUT the Sun has been out for two days now! Have a great week end everyone ☺️



Rain & Strawberries

Just an update on the drought here in CA, and it’s good news. I heard on the news ( briefly, I missed the report),the drought is almost over. Not sure exactly what that means, “almost”, but I’ll take it as a positive. We’ve had a good bit of rain this month and have more coming in by Friday. Just two days of it, but every little bit helps.

On another note, I have some strawberry 🍓 plants growing in the house. I won’t set them out for a while yet. BUT I actually have a blossom on one plant, a teeny tiny blossom. Lol


Isn’t it cute? Lolol

Changed My Background

As you can see, I changed my background and now I’m trying to figure out what should go where.  I wish I had my friend Susan’s knowledge.  She’s such a good friend, every time i get into trouble ( which is often) she’s right there to give a helping hand.


Luffa Sponge

Luffa Sponge


This is off topic, but I came across this picture today and started laughing:) a few years ago I learned that Luffa’s grow on a vine like cucumbers, so I got the bright idea of growing some and make bath baskets for Christmas.  The reason I say I laughed is because what you see in the picture is the one and only sponge that grew. Lol lots of blossom’s but that was it. I was sooo excited and thought how cool I was to think of doing such a thing. ROFLOL. Well, needless to say, I kept my one and only Luffa:). One of these day’s I’ll try it again.


You know, I totally forgot to post a picture of the luffa sponge after I got it cleaned etc.  I’ve got about 100 seeds from the one luffa.  I’m going to plant again this year and I really do hope I get more than ONE. lol

I’ve been using it as you can see.  I’ve always liked the luffa sponge so this has really been a fun experience. lol   Happy Week Everyone!